Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Adora and Jorhuti

In ancient times of faeries and demons, there lived the most beautiful forest nymph. The Forest gave her the name Adora. Her favorite place was a spring of beautiful light next to a ruined grotto which the greenery was reclaiming. The light from beneath and above shone through the water and on to Adora. It was the warmth that pleased her so, to be watched by the purest light. And so she remained until one day, the princeling of a distant forest wandered upon her spring. This creature's name was Jorhuti. He was a furry little beast with thin eyes and long rat-like ears, and a naked tail which danced behind him as he crept and sneaked his way around this foreign land.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Peaceful Revolution

A Radio Broadcast

"Less than half of our citizens vote. We have party politics, which means we can either choose Democrat or Republican, one or the other. Both parties are dedicated to the status quo. Each election we are supposed to have a "peaceful revolution" if the citizens so desire it. Is this what we have? Is this what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the constitution central to which was the system of checks and balances? Citizens have become farm animals. Instead of being sent to the slaughter, we are extorted by means of taxation. Half of our wealth, our hard-earned work, OUR LABOR, is taken to be used by the politicians in ways that suit the "national interest". We need to see this system for what it is, indirect slavery. Some people in a room one-hundred miles away deciding what to do with the fruits of your labor. The scope and power of the government has been growing and growing. The United States is slowly slipping down into the pit of authoritarianism. Where is the liberty, the personal responsibility, the spirit of the hard-working individual? This message is for our masters: Free us... or we will free ourselves. Until next time, this is your host, Ark77. Till' next time, Live long and live Free."

floatSpace in regards to Relativity

Until now, my strategy of problem solving has been a grand unification by means of identifying basic principles of the nature of the universe. I have tried to accomplish this by merging the concepts of space/time and mass/energy, so that all of these concepts spawn from one element of existence simply taking different forms by consequence of the local events position in relation to the whole of the universe. Now I will identify several problems in the current model.

Problem One: the Variable Perception of the Sequence of Events

Einstein's theories of special and general relativity state that the perception of the simultaneity, and likewise the asynchrony, of any given event to another depends on the relationship between said event to the observer in terms of their relative spacialSpeed to each other. Mysteriously, the perception of temporalSpeed becomes split between the event and the observer. It seems to me that the sequence of events, the eternal process of causality becomes muddled in a confusing relativism calling into to question the idea of now regardless of spacial differences. For instance, astronomers often quote "the stars as we see them in the night sky do not look that way now, but we are in actuality seeing the stars as they were millions of years ago. In that sense, there is an eternal present in which all things are happening at the same time, but we are unable to detect or experience the now because of the limitation of the speed of light. The information is unable to travel across the vast distances in time for us to be able to see what is happening now.

Can there be an eternal present, an ordered contiuum of events that occur simultaneously, and yet still allow for the perceptions of observers in this coherent existence to percieve a difference in the sequence of events?

Problem Two: Relative Mass and Relative temporalSpeed

As an observer moves closer and closer to the speed of light, his mass increases. And as we know from the General Theory of Relativity, as Mass increases, time slows down for the observer in relation to all outside events. Take these two examples as illustrations of these principles.

space ship example
a spaceship leaves earth, then initiates a journey to a distant star near lightspeed
the pilot of the spaceship experiences time passing normally. He gets to the planet let's say 40 years later, then immediately begins his return trip. 40 years later, he arrives at earth (assuming the earth and the star were not in motion relative to each other [which would probably not be the case in reality]). 80 Years have passed for the pilot of the spaceship. But, how much time has passed on Earth? According to GR, much more time than 80 years would have passed on Earth. In fact, everybody the pilot knew would probably be long dead.

blackhole example
Einstein's theories of special and general relativity state that the perception of the simultaneity, and likewise the asynchrony, of any given event to another depends on the relationship between said event to the observer in terms of their relative spacialSpeed to each other. Mysteriously, the perception of temporalSpeed becomes split between the event and the observer. It seems to me that the sequence of events, the eternal process of causality becomes muddled in a confusing relativism calling into to question the idea of now regardless of spacial differences. For instance, astronomers often quote "the stars as we see them in the night sky do not look that way now, but we are in actuality seeing the stars as they were millions of years ago. In that sense, there is an eternal present in which all things are happening at the same time, but we are unable to detect or experience the now because of the limitation of the speed of light. The information is unable to travel across the vast distances in time for us to be able to see what is happening now.

Can there be an eternal present, an ordered contiuum of events that occur simultaneously, and yet still allow for the perceptions of observers in this coherent existence to percieve a difference in the sequence of events?

Problem Two: Relative Mass and Relative temporalSpeed

As an observer moves closer and closer to the speed of light, his mass increases. And as we know from the General Theory of Relativity, as Mass increases, time slows down for the observer in relation to all outside events. Take these two examples as illustrations of these principles.

space ship example
a spaceship leaves earth, then initiates a journey to a distant star near lightspeed
the pilot of the spaceship experiences time passing normally. He gets to the planet let's say 40 years later, then immediately begins his return trip. 40 years later, he arrives at earth (assuming the earth and the star were not in motion relative to each other [which would probably not be the case in reality]). 80 Years have passed for the pilot of the spaceship. But, how much time has passed on Earth? According to GR, much more time than 80 years would have passed on Earth. In fact, everybody the pilot knew would probably be long dead.

black hole example
a black hole is a star so massive that its gravitational pull does not allow for light to escape, light being the most massless particle that we know of. The event horizon of a black hole is the point of no return, when an observer comes so close to it that his escape velocity exceeds the speed of light, then he has crossed the event horizon. Let's imagine an astronaut drifting through space and his spaceship's propulsion equipment has broken down beyond repair. The ship is on a collision course with a black hole. Unable to do anything, the astronaut prepares himself for the most amazing fireworks that any human has ever seen. As he approaches the black hole, the starry sky betrays a darkspot, where no stars shine, and this darkness slowly swallows up more and more of the view until it has taken 50% of the sky. Half of the sky is Darkness, the other half is the light from the observable universe still flowing into it. The astronaut's time slows down in relation to the outside universe. What does this mean... Well, when we look at the stars, we see them standing still, twinkling quietly. That's because our experience travels so fast that the stars look as though they are not in motion. In reality they are in motion. So as the astronaut accelerates towards the center of the black hole, the movie of the stars, to him, is accelerating. First the stars begin to budge, then they pick up speed and start to dance around each other. The most noticeable aspect of the sky would be the rotation of the Milky Way, which would turn from a cloud of stars in a blazing wheel of spiral energy. The astronaut would experience the collision of the Milky way with the Andromeda Galaxy in a matter of seconds to him. The incredible fluidity and water-like elegance of the cosmic light show would be an amazing sight, and perhaps, if the astronaut survives the tidal forces in the rotating black hole for long enough, he would be able to witness the extinction of all light into black holes, marking the end of an era in the known universe. That would be a movie ticket I would consider buying.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Atlantic City

Bright blue eyes cast their gaze over the long desaturated beach. This was a wet day, with a white sky that drained the color from the surf, from the sand, and from the skin of the kid wearing sandals, a dark hoodie over his wind-swept hair, and his favorite pair of jeans brazen with battle scars from its many years of use. He stood motionless with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie to keep them warm from the cool wind.

A presence crept up behind him and hugged him from behind, her gentle hands snatching at the soft cotton near his chest.

"Hey, good-lookin'..." a girls voice spoke to him with half a giggle.

He remained motionless, just staring out into the atlatic waves. She didn't seem to notice that anything is wrong with him, and kept smiling.

"Don't you remember? That's the first thing you ever said to me. It was my birthday," She smiled. "And I was riiiight over there," she pointed to a seemingly indistinguishable spot on the beach about 30 seconds away. "C'mon!" She took him by the hand and stood between him and the ocean.

He saw her, and the radiance of her smile infected his heart.

Her eyes, green gems that betrayed a heart of kindness. Her hair, a waterfall of golden swirls. It appeared to him as though her skin was illuminated by its own light. He watched as her flowered dress waved behind her, mimicking every move her legs made as she clung to his hand and led him to the spot that he had long forgotten.

By the time that they had arrived, a quiet smile had attached itself to the boy's face. He looked into her eyes for a moment more than he usually would. Her eyes squinted suddenly, and she smiled.

"What are you looking at?"

As if in a trance, he slowly averted his eyes once again to the horizon, while simultaneously sitting down in the sand. His chin rested on his arms rested on his knees. This time, she noticed, and the joy faded from her face.

Her hands came down around his face trying to comfort him. His head went down into his knees. Loss. Loneliness. She sat down next to him and leaned her head against his shoulder. He felt her breath on his neck, the beat of her heart through her skin. Then, she started to talk.

"Even though I'm gone, it doesn't mean what we had wasn't real. I know you thought that we would be together forever, but, I always knew... Nothing is forever." He closed his eyes now knowing that what he heard was true. She sighed, "I wish we could run away, you know? Just the two of us, to Mexico. They have beaches there, better than this one... or to some island in the Mediterranean, we could have a boat and just go wherever we want to." For a while, they sat together.

She took his hand and held it for a moment. She closed her eyes as if she were drifting off to sleep. Squeezing tightly, she whispered with all the honesty that was in her, "You know, I guess one thing... is forever. Love... Not forever in time, but forever in itself." She fell asleep.

On July 27, a boy sat alone on a beach in Atlantic City.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kukharchuk's Theory of Gravitation

Physicists have always tried to explain how gravity works on a structural level. We are now able to calculate with unmatched precision the paths of projectiles through the air and even the trajectories of the planetary bodies through the solar system. All the formulas have been written and proven, but the reason for Gravitation eludes us still. Modern physics tells of a massless particle called a graviton that "transmits" the force of gravitation. Somehow, this explanation has always struck me as strange and anti-climactic. The idea that a particle orbiting a quark has to move away from it to "bring" energy and information to another quark seems ad hoc. What happens when this particle is not present? Surely in all likelihood that must happen, that an atom losing its force carrying particles...

Of course, some would say, why would you expect the Universe to conform to your human expectations of order and hierarchy? Well, simply speaking, all the physical laws of the past have been explain using deep explanations about the very nature of the universe. They have shed real light on the mysteries of the world we live in. I refuse to let the mystery of gravitation be put aside by the assumption of a yet undetected particle which magically transmits force and direction to the whole of another atom. Quantum Mechanics it seems, does not satisfy my Relativistic Spirit.

Well, if it's not a particle-transmitted force, I ask myself, "What KIND of explanation would I consider to be satisfactory?" Well, that's easy, a structural explanation. By structure I mean making a statement about the behavior of the whole of the universe by means of identifying a natural law, a natural action.

First, we must stop conceptualizing space and matter as two separate things. They are one in the same. Space is matter, and matter is space. Think of space as a a clear 3-dimensional substance, like water. Water, to us, is a continuous mass of stuff which has a finite space, it cannot go into itself, and no mater what you do to it, if you keep it enclosed, you will not end up with more or less than what you started from. Space is like Water. Matter is that water, but folded into itself, so it gains a shape which seems to stand apart from the rest of the water. Matter is space that has been folded into itself, and thus, "floats" on top of the water. These structures of floating space have very regular building blocks, but their different combinations can create a vast multitude of effects, like the way a few amino acids make up very complex proteins. A very few "elements" of floatspace create all of the effects of the weak and strong forces, chemical bonds, charges, electromagnetism, etc.

Gravitation is different from all these, it has not to do with the structure of the floatspace, but to do with the flow of the water space from the past, a high potential position, to the future, a position of lower energy. To understand this, you must again reconceptualize the idea of floatspace. Floatspace in space folding in on itself. Maintaining the folded shape of the waterspace takes a constant input of energy which is in a sense "used up" by the continuation of the floatspace. If energy(waterspace flowing down -> into the future) were to stop flowing into the floatspace, the shape would evaporate, the being, the matter would dissipate and vanish. One could imagine an experiment using a spherical floatspace "dam" to surround a separate piece of floatspace which would theoretically be cut off from the constant flow of waterspace. If my theory is correct, the dam would cause the targeted floatspace to revert to waterspace, thus creating space itself. One would think that this would release a great amount of energy. However, it would be evident that matter was converted back into energy, but without an explosion, simply with the unfurling of the folds which had previously never been cut off from their constant input of energy. How this would translate into our conceptions of matter and time are as of yet unimaginable to me. I can only say that I will know it when I see it.

So, gravitation becomes the constant swallowing up of waterspace by floatspace. Matter is eating the energy from space in order to preserve its being by constantly refilling itself. That is why bodies of matter move towards each other in a vacuum. Space itself is being used up as energy. The reason floatspace cannot eat floatspace is because it has evolved in a way that it can only intake energy that will fit into the "mouth" of the elementary shapes that make up all matter. Other Floatspace objects do not physically fit.

Disclaimer: I did not do any research. This is an exercise in creativity. It is a thought experiment. What I am trying to accomplish is to see the world in a new way, a way no other person has seen it before, and try to gain understanding of it by fundamentally rewiring the way we think the universe is supposed to work.

Hybrid Rainbow

This deserted island seems to have mostly sunk
Not found on any globe, not even named
Yesterday the ship we hoped for came close but
It didn't even come to meet us.

We got burned for staring at the sun too long
Holding a prism up, I waved my hand but

Can you feel?
Can you feel that hybrid rainbow?
Even we, who weren't chosen up till yesterday
Are waiting for tomorrow

Our zeppelin is leaking air
Skimming just barely over the ground

The look of the colors which defy description
Will probably be mercilessly pecked at by the birds

Can you feel?
Can you feel that hybrid rainbow?
Surely not yet
The limit can't be like this at all
Not like this at all

Can you feel?
Can you feel that hybrid rainbow?
I wanna believe that here is only partway through
I can feel
I can feel that hybrid rainbow
Even we, who weren't chosen up till yesterday
Are holding onto tomorrow

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Akami and the Wolf - Chapter One

Akami was born the son of the fierce warrior chief of the Sun tribe in the great steppe of the West. In his language akami was a combination of the words for spirit (aka) and wolf (minas). His father was called Yanuk, meaning sky hunter. One day when Akami was very young, he went with his father on a trek into the wild. The purpose of this was to teach akami how to fend for himself, to learn the ways of his father, and his father before him.

One night as they made their fire and prepared to go to sleep, Yanuk noticed something strange in the mood of the animals around him. The crickets weren't chirping, no mice were scurrying, something strange was afoot. He grabbed his spear and told Akami to stay close to him. A pack of wolves emerged from the night and surrounded them. The largest wolf, the alpha male, Ornulu spoke to Yanuk.

"Why do you Two-Leggeds trespass on the sacred ground of the wolf tribe."

Yanuk looked frightened, but regained his composure and adorned a menacing face, screaming at the wolves that were pacing around him and his boy. It took a moment for Akami to realize that his father did not hear the words come from Ornulu's mouth. All he had heard was a howl. Akami wanted to speak, but fear gripped the heart of him, and all that came out was a broken breath, and then a gasp.

Ornulu yelped as Yanuk's spear penetrated his side. His speed was so great that not even Akami had forseen the attack. With their leader wounded, the wolfpack scattered through the tall grass of the plain. Ornulu remained, crippled by the stone spear in his side. Yanuk did not take chances. He took out the spear and made it so the wolf could not strike, even if He tried.

Ornulu's weak and wounded whimper escaped His mouth. Yanuk thought the sound reminded him of crying, a regret that the wolf dared approach such a mighty chief as He. But Akami heard the meaning in the words that Ornulu uttered in that pitiful tone.

"You and all your tribe shall one day pay for this deed with your lives. You will be erased from Mother Earth, and I will smile from the afterlife for you would have finally gotten what you two-leggeds rightly deserve," and then He died.

Akami tried to warn Yanuk of Ornulu's words, but Yanuk did not listen. He was too preoccupied with the thought of losing his only child, that fear, his only weakness. He hollered out into the night in order to frighten away the other wolves. Yanuk said to Akami.

"Son, it is time that we head home. We have had enough excitement for today."

With that, Yanuk threw a fist full of sand into the fire, extinguishing it in a puff of smoke. Something in the night then, caught Akami's gaze. He thought he saw two glimmering eyes in the tall grass staring at him. They were perhaps the eyes of a wolf cub...

Planet Eater

Jack Winters watched in disbelief as the enormous shape of the planet eater overcame the sky. The moon was in the west, still visible in day time, it was covered with the blueish tint of the sky. The same for the beast. It was like looking through a fog, as all the features of the beast had yet to breach the atmosphere. Just then two moon-sized eyes bolted open, and cast their gaze down. Jack felt as if this beast was looking at HIM, into HIM. He felt prickles and shakes flow through his body until he felt like he was going to explode under the gaze of such a cosmic being. Just then, the body of the beast began to part, exposing seven rows of a hundred thousand teeth. Each tooth seemed to have the majesty of Mount Everest. and that thought stuck, as Jack remembered the trek up that mountain. For two weeks they pushed through the snow, and to stand at the top, what a sense of belonging, of accomplishment, and the view... that was really something. Jack had chosen to forget about the beast, as its teeth turned red as they impacted the atmosphere. The sky turned yellow then white. The beast swallowed the Earth whole, and everyone on it. It's mouth began to close. Jack decided to face the world, reluctantly stepping away from the memories of the good life that he had lived. He realized he was still alive, and he wept because he knew that he was among the last of all mankind to see the final glimmer of light that would ever fall upon the surface of the Earth from their home sun slowly fading behind the bedroom door that was the planet eater's mouth. Darkness fades to black...

If My Life Were Perfect - Chapter 1

I would wake up with the warm sun beating on my face, i am on the most comfortable hammock overlooking a white sandy beach. The palms rustle in the wind as a cool breeze blows my hair as if calling me to rise and get started on my chores for the day. My feet sink into the warm sand as I look up at the majestic clouds looming over me in the clear blue skhovering. The pillars of white slowly make their way to the west, like giant sky glaciers they melt into new shapes according to the whim of the wind. I turn to walk to my beach house, which is my house, in west side. Walking inside, it's just me to enjoy it alone. The sun's light bathes everything with vibrant color that seems to sing to my eyes, the red of the apples on the table, the green of the bamboo plant in the vase, the yellow of the refrigerator magnet shaped like a smiley face... The first thing I do is put on some music. I turn on the holographic computer which creates a screen right in front of me. I scan through my softdrive using hand gestures, and finally find what I'm looking for, baba yetu. It starts to play, and the magic of surround sound fills me with joy. The floorboards hum with sound, the walls are singing to me, the song fills me with happiness, just what I need to get me going for the day, I take a shower with the music playing, then eat some melon and hot tea for breakfast. 7:00 beeps. Time to get out of the house. I walk out to the garage which opens as I approach. My black mazerati is waiting for me. She knows when I'm close, and turns on automatically. I get in feel the seats adjusting to my weight, the car is holding me. The seatbelts click automatically. "Welcome" comes a pleasant voice from the console. Before it finishes, I am already speeding out of my driveway in rear gear. I get out on to the road, and simply FLY. The cars shocks are so absorbent, not to mention the road was recently paved, it feels like I am driving on air. "In a hurry today Mr. Bond?" (I had the car programmed to call me Bond) "If I really was in a hurry I would have taken the Helicopter," I answer to the car. "Why didn't you?" The car asks. "Well, we both know you get grumpy If i don't take you out for your walk!" just then I hit the gas full speed and go off a cliff and land on the other side, skidding and doing a 570 degree spin. I am breathing deeply, the thrill is just what I need. "You've had your fun," says the voice. "Now it's my turn." I laugh "You got it darling." The car drives itself back onto the main road and heads to work while I enjoy the scenery and scan the onboard holographic computer to catch up with the plans for the day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Book Ideas

Ideas for Stories

1. planet eater
genre: scifi
plot: a giant space monster starts gobbling up the gas giants in the solar system causing gravitational shifts in the solar system. Earth's orbit is in danger of falling out of the delicate balance which has allowed life to evolve. When humanity confronts the beast, the planet eater sends a deadly weapon to match it. It converts the planet mars into its own little fighter, with the task of protecting the monster from all harm. However, earth is able to reverse engineer the being, and set up conditions to create its own fighter, using the mass of the planet Venus. An epic battle ensues between planets which have been morphed into self-propulsive organisms with minds of their own.

2. seventh arcadium
genre: mecha
plot: avi sentari grew up on a planet on the fringes of civilization. this colonization front has lost contact with the home worlds due to an extreme astronomical event, the passing of a supermassive black whole travelling at super high speeds, throwing this system into a massive acceleration, not allowing communication with its home. So the chain of command is broken, and this is the tale of the power vacuum that all contend to fill. this is the story to decide the power structure of this planet, which avi has come to call Arcadium.

3. volksaga
genre: epic poem
plot: a plague of beasts has overtaken the once peaceful lands of king ruther. he called for help from the neighboring nations only to find refugees pouring into his cities. ruther combs his capital for a group of chosen warriors who would be able to sneak back to the source of the beasts and assassinate their leader. each of the team are chosen by superstitious means, which they feel are legitimate because somehow they feel like they were chosen. as the journey progresses, one by one they are killed until only three are left, questioning the meaningfulness of the decision to send them. They no longer feel chosen by the gods, but in that, they find the secret, that it is by their own wills that they will over come the demon horde.

4. 4n0nym0u5
genre: satire
plot: anonymous the organization becomes a terrorist/activist organization leading people to revolt against their governments causing the world economic balance to shift in favor of the countries without such strife, namely asia. but when the reformed economic structure of the west rebuilds itself, it becomes its own powerhouse of freedom and equality diametrically opposed to the statist authoritarian style of management in the asian sphere. thus, a battle begins between east and west, of liberty and servitude, of idealogies and religions, leading to the final battle and the terrible price we have to pay before both sides are willing to stop the violence in favor of a truce.

5. pure heart
genre: fantasy
plot: a girl wakes up in the middle of a mystic forest. She quickly realizes she has lost her memories, and experiences the world as if she was just born. the second odd thing she notices is that her hands are not hands, but paws, and she has fur instead of skin. She is encased in some sort of animal suit, and she has cat eats and a foxes tail. it's not long until she is discovered by a strange little animal who can talk. It introduces itself as Moji, Zoe's lifelong pet and friend. He is surprised that zoe has lost all her memories and leads her to her house where they live. when they get to the house, she sees a picture of a person who looks familiar, alexander. Moji explains that they were childhood friends, and that alexander left some time ago to seek his fortune in the world, but promised he would return one day. Since alexander is the only familiar thing she sees, she decides to go and find him, maybe that would lead her to the answer to the mystery of her lost memories. She heads off on a whirlwind adventure through the major cities, finding bits and pieces of alexander's passing. While on the path, shady creatures appear and try to abduct zoe, but she always manages to defeat them. They are being led by a henchman of Jorhuti, Kaelja. to be cont.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Amon antificatus surprima alamos. Surturacti fractem'nas aleminatus frai. Jente efrem cargetos villim'na chigir. Nos antillamos, Te uther fragras, ne trakot'sa greydir, hevelatos imperatus maximillias alesatro. Zaeus entillion akseptus: FIAGORIK REINHART ALEXANDROS.


Is it possible that some event in the future caused something in the past, that we are being pulled rather than pushed? If this was proven, could it explain why when you look at somebody from behind them, and focus on them, they turn around and stare right back at you? Or maybe when you see a shooting star, that is a special moment when the future reaches back and sheds some light on your path in life, your destiny.
Just a thought...

Church and the big JC

Jesus loves, Jesus fish, Jesus saves, Jesus Is
Read the Bible, Read the Bible, Every Day
Pray Pray Pray Listen Sit and Listen Pray
Go to Church, Go Home, Go to Church

Listen to the Pastor Preach
Paint a Picture of the Beach
Never Touch a Drop of Liquor
Work on Sunday Just a Little

Never Lust after a Woman
love your Love with All you can
Give us Money, We could Use it
Keep your Money, They will Lose it

Listen to Me, or you'll Go to Hell
Hell and Heaven don't affect me
When you die, your soul survives
I won't Eat your blackmail Lies
then Burn upon the Wooden Stake
I will Fight you and your Hate

jesus christ died for your sins
I take Responsibility for my Choices in this Life
you could have eternal love
I see past your pleasant face, I know something isn't Right
You're Rejecting everlasting life in heaven
You're forgetting that everything will one day Die
Isn't it better to Believe in God, Just in Case the bible's true?
No. Truth is Truth, and not the other.

Love the Truth, Follow Philosophy
Be the Change you Want to See
Light the Fire for the Love of Freedom
Show the Youth a New Direction

Life is short so make it sweet
Follow Jesus if you please
but You can live with out Him too
that's not Pride, that's the Truth

Casino King

The casino King writes his own rules
Invites the Men from over the Hill
Tempting them with the Chance
to get ahead without paying their Due
Allured they sign their Future away
Only to Find their Pockets empty
They wound up Worse than they Started
and their Kids now have to pay the King
for as long as He remembers,
That He can Get Ahead,
Without paying his Due, He will.