Monday, November 7, 2011

Mitochondrial Heaven

The Earth Below, the Sky Above, the view is somewhere in the clouds. The clouds seem to have a landscape of their own. Castles and worlds. There is no motion, suddenly a music starts to play. Violin strings. A low rumble is heard. Suddenly a thousand black angels are seen rising up from Earth, to meet a throng of white angels coming down from heaven. They form two swirling arms of battle. The two sides fight until Heaven is Victorious. The fallen angels die. Lucifer is brought Before God, he hates God. He is banished. God Returns to Heaven with his Angels.

Earth Modern Day. A kid is learning about Biology, he is doing a project on the organelles of a Cell. At the same time, in Heaven, a cherub, who likes to do stuff dangerously, accidentally jumps off a cloud and ends up in the kids living room. The cherub is really cute and has wings and everything. The kid calls the cherub Mitochondria, and by naming one of God's creations, he gives him a personality, a consciousness. Mitochondria is born, at least the psychological being. He stops being a cute little animal and becomes the kid's friend. He helps the kid get anything he wants. This goes on until a couple devils find Mitochondria and try to convert the kid to evil so they get his soul. Their names are Madden and Trifle.

They get into a fight with Mito, who proceeds to get his ass kicked. They go to hell, pleased with themselves. Mito, angry, and no longer held by God's Will, follows them to the gates of Hell, where there are Guards. He beats them up and takes their stuff, Shotgun, Shades, and Cigarette. He flies into Hell looking for Madden and Trifle. When he finds them, he beats them up. They die, but cannot die because they're in Hell. They cower in fear behind their master: Lucifer.

Lucifer notices Mitochondria and is impressed. Here, one of God's creations, indulging in wanton punishment of bad guys. Lucifer explains that God and He had a falling out. He wants to make things right. If Mito were to go to Heaven and convince god to hear him out, he would make sure that his kid friend doesn't get into Hell. Mito agrees. He goes to Earth, and is confronted by Angel Thugs, who don't want him to be successful. He beats them up with his Shotgun, but realizes he can't just waltz in there. There will be formidable resistance. He enlists the Kid's help.

Together, they fight the forces of Heaven to get to the throne of God. They sneak around Heaven so as to not to get caught. When they finally talk to God. God explains that he kicked Lucifer out because he couldn't get along with Humans. To reconcile them, first, Lucifer must reconcile with Humans. So, now Mito goes down to Hell and asks Lucifer why he hates Humans. Lucifer sees the kid and gets angry just at the sight of him. He feels superior, but this feeling is not confirmed by God. That's why he is mad, because he feels superior. Mito comes up with a great solution. He must live as a Human for a while to get over his hatred of them. Now, the kid has Mito and Luce living with him in his APT.

Strange Days, as the devil starts living human life. He begins badly by sometimes killing people and such. He is a misanthrope. This process continues for years. He gets a life, gets a girlfriend, learns about cars, television. He slowly falls in love with being human. The Kid, Mito, and Lucifer grow up together. They have run-ins with rogue Angels and Demons now and then, but on average they get along pretty well. One day, Lucifer decides, he was wrong. Human life isn't so bad. He goes back to hell, and all the darkness and torture is no longer appealing to him. He announces the decommissioning of the realm. All demons must vacate the property. Massive strikes happen, but the change is final. The doors of Hell are closed for good.

Now there are only two realm, Heaven and Earth. Mito goes to Heaven to Hold God accountable to his word, to reconcile with the Devil. However, Mito is blocked by Michael and Gabriel, who don't think Lucifer should be let in. Lucifer, Mito, and the Kid fight through an army of Angels to reach the Gates Of Heaven, where they face further Angelic beasts and likewise overcome them, because Lucifer was the highest of all Angels, to find the Throne of God. This time God appears as just a regular person, not veiled in a shroud of blinding light.

God and Lucifer have a talk, and in the end, they decide that they no longer hold a grudge against each other. After a good cry, they hug in Bromance. Mito and the kid watch as they know they did a good Job. However, For a moment, the kingdom of Heaven and Earth combined. Now there was only one Realm, the True Realm. However, Micheal and Gabriel confronted God and became angry that Lucifer was back. They wanted the most High position. They could not see that Lucifer was a nobody, just a person. For themselves, they created separate Hells in which to Dwell outside of the presence of God. The kid and Mito looked at each other and nodded. They grab their weapons and enter the two Hellish Realms, and prepare to crush some heads.

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